


The materials, art works and paintings on this site are reproduced for enjoyment, information purpose, promotion of artist and their art works only, If you or your organisation possess the copyright to any such image and will be able to prove such a claim, Please Cantact me at you earliest convenience use of these metarials and art works here at this site are not in any case intended as a copyright infringement on any of the artist or any other entitys copyrighted materials. If you believe that any material found on my site has been used in a any such manner wich consitutes.
Infringement of your copyright weork, I will remove it as soon as possible after yoy notify me. Wherever possible I have tried my level best to include a link to the artists website to encourage and promote the artist and direct the traffic to the original source from we are the pictures are taken

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Buhat Dard Jhely - Urdu Hindi Poetry